Ulderico Pinfildi begins his career as a nativity scene artist in his father’s workshop, an intensely lived debut among clay, argil and tools of the trade, that allowed him to mature a marked sensitivity towards Neapolitan history and traditions. He defines himself as a worker, a craftsman of the nativity scene and directs his attention to the figure of the Neapolitan shepherd, who becomes his main object of study and research.
During his long artistic experience he teaches modelling and restoration at ASSEFOR and at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University and participates in important national and international exhibitions. His works have been reviewed by critics and scholars in authoritative magazines of the area”.

Roma Chiesa del Gesù 2020 Exhibition dedicated to Saint Ignatius of Loyola “The Jesuit Nativity”
São Paulo Museum Jorge Yunes 2019 Scenography set up, restoration and integration of figures of the eighteenth century collection
São Paulo Museum of Sacred Art 2018 Personal Exhibition: “a journey between faith and culture of the Eighteenth century”.
Naples Pio Monte of Mercy 2017 Permanent Exhibition “The nativity scene of Mercy, from 7 works by Caravaggio”.
Milan Cascina La Maggiore 2017 Permanent exhibition of The Neapolitan Nativity Scene of the Eighteenth century.
Seville Bellver Museum 2015 Permanent exhibition of The Neapolitan Nativity Scene of the Eighteenth century
São Paulo Museum of Sacred Art Permanent exhibition The birth of Hope
Washington Folger Shakespeare Library Christmas 2012 Neapolitan nativity scene set up Designed European SME Gran Prix 2014
City of Castello Perugia 2012 Personal Exhibition
Excellence Award Artisan Industry 2008 Industrial Union
Napoli Castel dell’Ovo 2007 “The Last Scene” Collective Exhibition on the interpretation of the nativity scene art of the Eighteenth Century
Brussels Italian Cultural Institute – December 2006 Presentation of a Neapolitan Nativity Scene and cultural exchange
Etoile Space Rome 2006 “Scrigno” (Casket)
New York 2001 Collaboration in the creation of a Nativity Scene commissioned by Naples Chamber of Commerce and donated to the New York Fire Brigade
Murcia (Spain) Conference on Neapolitan nativity scene craftsmanship and cultural and technological exchange
Parigi Maison Objet 1999 Exhibition of nativity scene artefacts
Santo Domingo 1997 Collective Exhibition on the Nativity Art (friends of Naples nativity Scene)
New York Twin Towers 1996 Presentation of Campanian excellence
Strasbourg European Parliament Collective Exhibition on the Nativity Art
Milano B.I.T. Presentation of craftsmanship excellence
Traunstein (Bavaria) 1995 Collective Exhibition on the Nativity Scene Art
Miami Gold Italy 1995 Exhibition
Brussels European Parliament Presentation of Nativity figures inserted on a large scenography
President Giorgio Napolitano Award
"Ulderico Pinfildi the craftsman who reinterprets the Naples of the '600 and' 700"
Il Den (The monthly money)
Year VIII n. 1, January 2009

MAM Award 2020
Ulderico Pinfildi Master of Arts and Crafts 2020
Cologni Foundation
Crafts of Art and Design – Living Treasures 2021

The Nativity Scene of Mercy - Permanent Exhibition
Il Presepe della Misericordia
operadellamisericordia.com, December 8
O Presépio Napolitano Pinfildi na coleçao Ivani e Jorge Yunes Brasil
O Presépio Napolitano na colecao ivani e Jorge Yunes - Processos de pesquisa e restauro

Italian excellences 2020

Ulderico Pinfildi, sculptor and crib artist
Italian excellences, 2020
The Ducker - Tales Crafts 2020

Ulderico Pinfildi - The Ducker, Tales Crafts
The Ducker – Tales Crafts, 14-05-2020
Naples Artistic Craft - 27 Maggio 2020

Naples realistically revealed: from the artistic past a malleable present
Naples Artisan Artisan, 27/05/2020
Milieu - Winter 2019
Symbolic Scenes
Milieu, Winter 2019
Siviglia - Bellver Museum 2019
El Belén napolitano de Casa Fabiola abre sus puertas este puente de diciembre
Sevilla ABC, 05-12-2019

The Ducker Magazine - 6 December 2019
Nel suo laboratorio a San Gregorio Armeno, dove nel Settecento nasce la tradizione del presepe partenopeo per volontà dei Borbone, dal 1986 il Maestro dà vita ai suoi capolavori in miniatura.

Museu de Arte Sacra de Sao Paulo 12/2018 - 01/2019

Jesus was born
Museu De Arte Sacra De Sao Paulo, 29-11-2018 / 06/01/2019
la Repubblica.it - 8 April 2017
Ulderico Pinfildi, the crib craftsman who is inspired by Caravaggio
la Repubblica.it, 08/04/2017
libero.it - December 2017
The nativity scene of mercy, preview of the unpublished work of Ulderico Pinfildi at Pio Monte
libero.it, december 2017

Il Mattino - 8 December 2017
A nativity scene inspired by Caravaggio's paintings
Il Mattino, 08-12-2017

Maria Laura Berlinguer - Italian Style - 6 December 2017
"The characters become actors who, in a still image, tell the drama and sweetness of an eternal thought."

la Repubblica.it - 6 December 2017

"The nativity scene of mercy", thus relive the Seven works at the Pio Monte in via Tribunali
la Repubblica.it, 06-12-2017
ildenaro.it - 5 December 2017
The nativity scene of mercy, at Pio Monte preview of the unpublished work of Ulderico Pinfildi
ildenaro.it, 05-12-2017
la Repubblica.it - 5 December 2017

From Caravaggio to Ulderico Pinfildi
la Repubblica.it, 05-12-2017
Italy made to measure. 100 selected ateliers - 2015
“Passion and love in the art of nativity scene making of Ulderico Pinfildi”
Italia su misura. 100 selected ateliers
Gruppo Editoriale, 2015
Touring - February 2015

"Ulderico Pinfildi, the crib artist inspired by Caravaggio"
Touring, February 2015
Em busca do presepio universal - November 2015
“O presépio napolitano – Il Presepe Napoletano”; “La nascita della speranza. Uma escultura e expressão artística de Ulderico Pinfildi”
Em busca do presepio universal, November 2015
la Repubblica - 13 December 2007
"Ulderico Pinfildi among the masters of the crib exhibition organized in Castel dell’Ovo"

Cronache di Napoli - 9 December 2007
"The last scene. The crib art from the nativity to the crucifixion on display at the Castel dell’Ovo "
Cronache di Napoli, 09-12-2007

Corriere del Mezzogiorno - 9 December 2007
"Crib art on display at the Castel dell’Ovo”
Corriere del Mezzogiorno, 09-12-2007

Il Denaro - 8 December 2007

"Ulderico Pinfildi with the Consortium of Artisans of the Neapolitan Artistic Crib stages the Neapolitan nativity scene in Castel dell’Ovo"
Il Denaro, 08-12-2007
Il Mattino - 8 December 2007
"The Neapolitan shepherds protagonists at the Castel dell’Ovo in 24 crib scenes"
Il Mattino, 08-12-2007

Il Giornale di Napoli - 8 December 2007
"The Neapolitan crib, from San Gregorio Armeno to the rest of the world"
Giornale di Napoli, 08-12-2007

Napolipiù - 8 December 2007

"The Neapolitan nativity scene is staged at Castel dell’Ovo"
Napolipiù, 08-12-2007
Il Sole 24 Ore - 20 December 2001
"The 18th century Neapolitan nativity scene becomes the comfort of a New York wounded by the attack on the Twin Towers"
Il Sole 24 Ore, 20-12-2001

Il Mattino, 12 December 2001
“The Twin Towers also have their Magi. The Neapolitan nativity scene as a symbol of the rebirth of New York "
Il Mattino, 12-12-2001

Il Sole 24 Ore - 12 December 2001
“In the hands of the Three Kings a fireman's helmet. From Naples a nativity scene tribute to New York firefighters, after the attack on the Twin Towers "
Il Sole 24 Ore, 12-12-2001

Cronache di Napoli - 12 December 2001
"The shepherds of Ulderico Pinfildi in the crib donated to the city of New York three months after the attack on the Twin Towers"
Cronache di Napoli, 12-12-2001

Il Mattino - 11 December 2001
"The" crib of solidarity ". Capan craftsmen donate more than one hundred pieces of the Neapolitan nativity scene to firefighters and the city of New York"
Il Mattino, 11-12-2001

Il Mattino - 9 December 2001
"A work that took three years of work. The Neapolitan crib flies to New York in homage to the American firefighters"
Il Mattino, 9-12-2001

la Repubblica - 9 December 2001
“The characters of the Neapolitan crib arrive in New York. The tribute of the crib artists after the massacre of the Twin Towers "
la Repubblica, 09-12-2001